Vision and Mission


  • “To provide safe and secure environment to the citizens of our Heritage City by adopting best practices for crime prevention, create a value-based ecosystem for transformational leadership and strategic policing, so that our Citizens can dream, progress, innovate and pursue happiness in their lives.”


  • Positive relationships with the Society and encouraging the Youth for vibrant Nation-building by making positive impacts on their lives.
  • Protecting the basic rights of the Citizens, particularly the vulnerable sections such as the Elderly and the Children.
  • Fostering strong bonding with the Citizens through effective Community Policing activities.
  • Bringing effective processes and efficient services through the modern tools and technology by partnering with the Industry.
  • Educating and empowering the Commissionerate personnel for handling modern day crime such as Cyber Offences, Economic Fraud and Narcotics.
  • Design ‘Standard Operating Procedures’ and integrate best practices into the Department to give World-class services to our Citizens.